My Simple Identity

My simple identity is my body, my mind, my feelings and my spirit. It matters that I know this deeply. With this basic realization, I can see that everything else is my free will choice and also everything else is contingent, a choice that may last or alter slightly, significantly or completely over time.  

An empty room becomes a parlour by my seeing it that way and choosing to furnish it based on that insight and . Using this analogy, I must now identify the purpose of my signature life. Only then, can I begin to fill in the details.

In a previous post, I said the floor of my basic identity was any given present moment. I also said there was no ceiling: I was open to the unknown, the Mystery. These two statements indicate an awareness of two simultaneous time frames: the present and the eternal. This knowledge is not my purpose, but it does point me towards that purpose.

An empty room becomes a parlour by my choice. Physically, I can occupy that room either alone or with others. Similarly, in my signature life, physically I am either alone or with others. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually, I am both autonomous and also interrelated at one and the same time.

These two insights function as compass points (the present moment and the eternal, personal autonomy and relationship). The next step is to see my fundamental purpose, much as I saw the purpose of the empty room that became a parlour.

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